Well for CIII I decided to repaint my R2D2 to a more colorful paint job so it would stand out amongst all the droids there, and what better then a bright red droid, so I decided to go for R5-X2 Jabba's personal gambling droid.
this was also my chance to practice my weathering skills, and as you can see there is a great difference between pictures, as the weathering really brings out the details, i tried to keep it a bit like to the original R5 as seen in EPI.
The only trouble was I had 2 weeks to build the dome.
so I made flat templates and cut those out of thin styreen sheet,and is made up of two layers,the middle ring is made up of resin parts I moulded after making the one parts and copying it several times, the eyes are also made the same way, last I used an old radio antenna on top I still had laying around.
The tubes were made with some left over aluminum tubes I still had and I used some pictures to get it to look a bit like the movie version.