As you can see I have a DP copy, and no I can't say where I got it !!! :) please don't ask !!!..
I have been thinking what version of all six movies I want to make ??? and must say that the ANH version is my favorite, but I'm not going to make it real dirty, just a little smudgy will be fine, just enough to make the chrome a little dull in places.
the Chroming is also a big problem and will take some time to choose what the cheapest and best way to do it, the Fantachrome is looking really promising.
what I can say is this.. it is a very nice clean and sharp casting made with a sturdy white resin, and is pretty thick in some places.
the arms with hands and legs are made up of one piece and so is the torso, with the kit came a bag of loose parts, the pistons and eye parts, these apart from the eyes are not so sharp, but was going to redo them anyway, the eyes are nicely cast in transparent resin and I will use this until I get better eyes.
and I'm busy sanding away the seams and some minor air bubbles and blemishes, and get all the parts to fit right.
the mid part is really sharp and won't need much cleanup to get it looking good.
There is already some talk about the knees, as they are a combination of ANH and ESB knees.
and the difference can be seen as the top part of the leg being connected with the knee part (right) and loose (left), I probably will change that and have the knees looking like the ANH version.
Finally have built a frame to hold 3PO upright, it was more simple that I imagened, I used welded table legs for support on the base plate, and some square aluminium tubing bent into shape to fit the curves from the legs to the body, the frame is very sturdy and won't need extra support, only the head fixture needs some more work.
the arms are attached with 3 bolts that are set into resin I poured into the arms.
it can still change later as this is just a fast setup for a convention. |